Mel – Proprietress
I’m Melly (Boothman)Cannon and I’m the Proprietress at Perfect Image in Usk. Perfect Image Health & Beauty was founded in 1989. I trained at the College of Health and Beauty in Cardiff, then went on to gain salon experience with Mrs M Bowen.
Initially the business was a mobile service and this was extremely successful in building up a client base. Following the request from clients to provide many more beauty treatments I decided to find a property and opted for a salon in Usk where high quality professional beauty services were extremely limited.
Soon after I was to employ a number of staff in order to satisfy the clients needs, including providing a very late Thursday night service and weddings on a Saturday and Sunday.
In 2007 we took on the precious DERMALOGICA brand and now offer the full product range.
We are proud to offer the international CACI machine, where we have seen fantastic results !
Perfect Image’s aim is to offer a friendly, helpful and relaxing environment for our clients.
We look forward to meeting you…